This Blog covers politics, and whatever else makes the short trip across my mind. I am a lawyer, but not really a bad guy. I think, I read, and I have opinions. But I am a libertarian, and therefore possess the serenity of knowing my opinions will never be those of any mainstream elected official.
I am the greatest comment-leaver ever. You are no doubt familiar with some of my work. No? Well, this blog is my attempt to conquer a new media.
Please read everything I write with a grain of salt. I have omitted all smileys formed from punctuation marks, as well as both acronymic and onomatopoetic signals to denote when I am being facetious. I am aware that such omissions place a large burden on you, the reader, to know when I am "JK"ing, "LOL"ing, or ";-)"ing. Hopefully, this will not keep you from occasionally "tee hee"ing. Thanks in advance.
Did you say you servered in a war zone ?